Fulhams för tillfället mycket hyllade manager Roy Hodgson erkänner att han är smickrad över de skriverier som omger honom för tillfället.

Engelska press skriver ju bland annat att Hodgson kan bli aktuell för Liverpool om Rafa Benitez lämnar klubben.

Veteranen trivs dock bra i Fulham, och betonar att han har kontrakt med klubben.

“I know nothing at all about my name being linked with any jobs. All I know is I’m happy here at Fulham. I have a contract here at Fulham, sa Hodgson till The Mirror.

“If my name is sufficiently strong to be linked with other jobs, of course that’s very flattering and it’s nice to hear. We all prefer praise to criticism, love to hatred. It would be ridiculous to say that I’m not enjoying it in these wonderful moments.

“But I’m trying to keep my feet on the ground and put things in perspective because I know that the better you do the more chance the barrier will be raised too high for you and that makes it harder in the long run.”