Tysken hoppfull inför det kommande ägarbytet.

Jürgen Klopp har jobbat under en förhållandevis tight transferbudget under sina år som Liverpools manager. De stora spelarköpen har möjliggörs genom försäljningar och andra intäkter – inte genom stora ägarinvesteringar. Enligt Athletics uträkningar har Liverpool nettospenderat £27m per år under FSG:s tid som ägare. Det är betydligt mindre än vad i stort sett alla andra europeiska storklubbar nettospenderat under samma tidsperiod.

På presskonferensen inför dagens match mot Southampton förklarade Klopp har transferstrukturen har sett ut de senaste åren: ”In the structure we had we were obviously able to spend money but we always had to look and say: ‘What did we earn?’”.

Klopp fortsatte: “That was always the situation. The two biggest transfers we did in the past with Ali [Alisson] and Virg [Virgil van Dijk], we all know how it happened. We got some money from Barcelona [£142m for Philippe Coutinho] and spent it wisely, I would say. How we did it so far brought us to where we are, fine, but fresh money is no mistake, let me say it like this. Nothing gets cheaper. There is the inflation rate for all of us and in football as well. Sometimes you have to spend. We are really happy, really happy, to give all our young kids a chance. I am so positive about the impact they will have in the future whenever that starts. Like Harvey [Elliott] now, Stefan [Bajcetic], Calvin [Ramsay], Ben Doak, Bobby Clark – really interesting. They all are.”

Vidare medgav Klopp att man behöver få in etablerade spelare, som helst också ska vara unga: “But from time to time you have to throw in proven quality. And in an ideal world, they are young as well and not 35. From time to time you have to take some risk. I have no idea what will happen but I am positive about it. If in the end it is not positive, then I can start worrying, but I just think everything will be fine.”

På presskonferensen var Klopp också tydlig med att han är hoppfull inför ägarbytet. Precis som många andra tror Klopp att stabiliteten och infrastrukturen som finns runt klubben kommer att göra den attraktiv för intressenter.