För många av oss var nog vårt nyförvärv ett relativt okänt namn när vi ställdes mot Salzburg på Anfield tidigare i år, en som däremot haft koll på japanen länge är Christoph Bosnjak(@ChriboEn). Som supporter till Salzburg har han fått följa Takumi Minaminos utveckling på nära håll och berättar här om hur han ser på spelaren som igår presenterades med nummer 18 på ryggen.

1. How has Minamino developed since he arrived at Salzburg?
When Minamino moved from Japan to Salzburg in 2015, he settled in pretty quickly, despite the language and cultural differences. In short, I would say that over the years he has improved steadily. But, except for the current season, he has never really been an undisputed regular. Nevertheless, he scored a number of goals and made a few assists. In total: 64 goals and 44 assists in 199 games for Salzburg. But I think it’s fair to say that the last six months have probably been the most successful for him in Salzburg
2. How would you describe him as a player? Strenghts/weaknesses.
He has many strengths I’d say. He is very intelligent, always trying to block passing lanes or create chances. Also, technically he’s very talented and has a very high work rate. Furthermore, he can be play in a lot of positions, either as a central or offensive midfielder, on both wings or even as a striker. He can play in pretty much every offensive position. I think he also benefited from the several coaches he had in Salzburg, because he was able to work with different playing styles and systems. Minamino also has a very good personality and was highly appreciated by his teammates in Salzburg.
3. Minamino were impressive in the games against Liverpool, has he been this good all season? How important has he been to your team this season?
As I mentioned before, he played a very big role in the team this season. In comparison to the last few seasons, he was playing consistently well, although there have been good and not so good games. But of course, he was fantastic in his Champions League appearances.
4.What is his best position?
He played the best games as an offensive midfielder, I would say.
5. How do you think he will do for us? Will he be a good signing for Liverpool?
He definitely is a good signing. Salzburg and Liverpool have a very similar style of play with a lot of pressing and trying to score quick goals after the ball is recovered. Additionally, Jürgen Klopp was very enthusiastic about him, so in my opinion sooner or later he’ll play an important role in Liverpool’s team. But he’ll need some time to settle in, especially because there is quite a big difference between the Premier League and the Austrian Bundesliga.