
Brendan Rodgers har åter igen snackat om transfers.

Rodgers sa till Liverpool Echo: “When you’re not in the Champions League there is a restriction in terms of what you can spend and I know that. I was fully understanding of that before I came in.

“There’s no doubt I want to get the best players I possibly can and that costs money. I am very much conscious of the value and worth of players. There’s no doubt there are top players who have earned every single penny they get but you can also get certain types of players for less.

“The problem sometimes is there’s a snobbery towards players at a lesser club. It’s an ignorance. You get scouts at a big club who see a young player and think maybe he can’t play. Then he will go to a big club and all of a sudden they want him. It’s about making those decisions earlier.

“Look at the squad here and there aren’t too many who have dropped from heaven to play for Liverpool. A lot have come through lower clubs, made their way and now they’re making their name here.”

Om den att Liverpool har sänkt lönebudgeten sa Rodgers: “From what I’ve seen, and I’ve only been in a few months, I believe the top players earn their money. But there have probably been reasons why players were on a certain salary before I came here. I can’t comment on that.

“If a player is worth it then I don’t have a problem with it. If they have value, then you can pay them as much as you want.

“I will always look to the simplicity of it – asking if he is effective on the field and trying to line his price or wage up with that. There’s a responsibility to look after the club and have a genuine feel for the club and the prices. I want to be involved in that side of it.”

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Liverpool är hoppfulla om att lyckas ro hem både Nuri Sahin och Cristian Tello – och tror rent av att de kan bli klara innan helgens ligapremiär. Liverpool tror sig ha konkurrerat ut Spurs och Arsenal om Sahin, som har informerat Liverpool om att han vill till klubben – som hoppas göra helt klart med honom under de närmaste 48 timmarna. Tello kan också bli klar inom kort, då Ian Ayre nyligen åkte till Spanien för att slutföra förhandlingarna. Barcelona kommer troligtvis att erbjuda Tello ett nytt kontrakt, men är villiga att låna ut honom under denna säsong (The Liverpool Echo).

Liverpool förväntar sig att skriva ett nytt långtidskontrakt med Martin Skrtel inom kort. Man kommer även att försöka pressa fram ett liknande kontrakt med Daniel Agger, trots intresset från Manchester City (The Liverpool Echo).

Agger skulle gärna skriva på ett nytt flerårskontrakt med Liverpool om han blev erbjuden ett kontrakt som reflekterar hans värde, men han har ännu inte blivit erjuden detta (The Daily Mail).

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Liverpool vill skeppa Charlie Adam i en deal som tar Clint Dempsey till Anfield, men skotten vill inte lämna LFC (The Daily Mail).

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Uppdatering #1:

Tello blir kvar i Barcelona, som har erbjudit honom både en rejäl löneökning och garantier om A-lagsspel. Detta var precis vad Tello ville ha för att stanna i Barcelona. Liverpool, Ajax och flera andra klubbar ville värva honom (El Mundo Deportivo).